New Pulsed Microwave Attacks on US, Canadian, Embassy and Security Personnel: The Havana Syndrome
Please inform yourself if you think this is not possible. Most recently, in 2016-2017, the U.S. and Canada withdrew their embassy staff from Cuba because they suffered symptoms that experts conclude can only be caused by pulsed microwaves. Investigations (and cover-ups) are still ongoing.
Pulsed Microwave Attacks on US, Canadian, Embassy and Security Personnel: The Havana Syndrome
This document summarizes these attacks as reported by the main stream media. If you are a target of such attacks, you can send this document to people who find it difficult to believe you.
STOPEG, June 2021 -
Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of U.S. Embassy Workers
New York Times, 1 September 2018

We invite all TI's/victims of these crimes to come to Berlin on 1 and 2 October 2015! Do not forget to register!
The Covert Harassment Conference 2015 is organized by:
This website is the home of the following domains
See also: Peter Mooring: , People cooker:
Targeted Kill List Survivors letter to Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon
[Mar 31, 2013] Survivors on Barack Obama's Targeted Kill List presented evidence of being slowly killed while used for barbaric, cruel and unusual, torturous research, to Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon. A Targeted Killing advocacy group presented documentation of the United States intelligence community applying covert slow-kill methods to silence victims while using them for research in American communities.
Do you want others to read your thoughts?
Do you want others to push a button to make you burp, sneeze, cough, scratch, fart, urinate, control you sexually, give headache, cook you alive, etc., through-wall in your home with invisible laser weapons? Do you want others to force thoughts into your brain?
All this is possible and done illegally today! But your government does not tell you anything!
Electronic weapons are one of the best kept secrets in the world. All over the world thousands of innocent people are attacked and manipulated, incapacitated, tortured and murdered with these weapons most of them never knowing what happened. Read all about this and tell your family and friends. Peter Mooring
What is electronic harassment/electronic torture/electronic murder
Electronic harassment/electronic torture/electronic murder is about harrasment, torture and murder using electronic weapons based on radio waves. These weapons have been very refined last years and can cause effects comparable to many illnesses and/or injuries. These weapons are not science-fiction but used today illegally by your national secret services on mostly random innocent victims not knowing what is being done to them.
Update Sep 3, 2011: Mark Rich, known for his website (offline) put up his new site this week with much more background information .
Update Sep 10, 2011: Must read for targets and people who are seeking the truth THE ULTIMATE BLASPHEMY: THE MECHANISMS OF COVERT MIND READING AND OTHER HIGH TECH CRIMES
If you want to read about symptoms, then check the article below Electronic harassment and electronic torture list .
If you do not know much about electronic harassment, electronic torture, electronic murder then you may want to start reading:
- The people cookers - cooking people like a microwave oven cooks meat
- Obama targeted killings lawsuit spotlights American civilians by Deborah Dupre on September 2nd, 2010
- Collateral Damage USA: Extremist cells target 350,000 US civilians by Deborah Dupre on August 30th, 2010
- ZAP! Have You Been Targeted by a 'Directed Energy Weapon'? Victims of Organized 'Gang Stalking' Say It's Happening in the USA (article by Victor Livingston)
- Brigitte Althof victim story
- tortured-wwwguantanamocom
If you want to read more check the links on this page:
If you want to read more, including gang stalking (organized stalking):
- Electronic weapons already control our lives!
- Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(11) - electronic weapons arrangers and operators burn people, burn children, burn babies
- Torture and murder without evidence (2) - educate yourself
- Electronic torture/electronic weapons: people burners and people cookers (speed cookers)
If you can read Dutch:
Or check the electronic harassment and electronic torture list belowPeter Mooring
What is electronic mind control / electronic mind reading / brain zapping / synthetic telepathy / remote neural monitoring
Electronic mind control is about forcing thoughts into your brain using invisible radio waves (this can be done from long ranges). Your attackers can make you think about a certain person at a certain moment, force a song into your brain (so you will start humming/singing it). Your attackers can also make you stand up and walk to your kitchen. If you do not know about this then you will be just following the thoughts that were planted into your brain. In other words: you are robotized.
Electronic mind reading is about reading your thoughts using invisible radio waves (this can be done from long ranges). Already it has become 'easy' to decode received brain signals into words spoken to oneself without talking. At the moment they also make progress with decoding images from what you look at (as seen by you through your eyes).
This is not science-fiction but done today illegally by your national secret services on mostly random innocent victims not knowing what is being done to them.
If you want to read more:
- Warning: you no longer can trust your own thoughts
- Secret service: mind rape targets to steal, torture, murder, create enemies (and call them terrorists) or here
- Secret service: Electronic Mind Control, Electronic weapons used on people surrounding the target WITHOUT them knowing this or here
- Brain zapping by Jason Jeffrey or here
- Remote Neural Monitoring
Recent documents about mind reading:
- Mind Reading: Technology Turns Thought Into Action - Jon Hamilton (May 12, 2011)
- Mind-Reading Experiment Reconstructs Movies in Our Mind - Associated Press (Published September 22, 2011)
- We're closer to mind-reading than you may think - Emi Kolawole (October 31, 2011)
- Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? - Physics Revealed
Stalking, electronic torture, shooting with directed energy weapons from the sky
A video and two victims reporting the horrible details. Like many other victims they can only conclude that the attacks also are coming from military aircraft.
From: Comment accompanying video:
- Microwave weaponry systems like the Active Denial System are used in tandem to deliver physical attacks designed to stress targets, torture them physically, and turn their homes into places of extreme distress. Hoping to drive the target from their home or workplaces. -
From: Electromagnetic Warfare, letter by Carolyn Williams Palit
- The pain is unbelievable. It involves tones, harmonics, hissing, stabs, blows, voice to skull transmissions, induced dreams (nightmares), burning sensations in the body and head, internal burning sensations inside of the body and head, crawling sensations on the body (phantom touch), electronic rape, induced and unwanted urination or orgasms, holographic inserts, and many other horrible tortures. My thoughts seem to be scanned every second. -
From: webpage about next victims of electronic "mind control" torture:
- (Carolyn Palit) I thought I was dying. I thought that I would spontaneously combust into flames. Either it came from a base in the hills, or Commander Solo*, or it came from the heavens. It attacked me for two years. -
From: webpage Carolyn Palit talking to Jesus Mendoza
- Some of his attacks are coming from the direction of the houses of the defendants that he has named in a law suit against these kinds of attacks. But . . . mostly . . . the attacks come from . . . "straight up." -
More information about electronic weapons attacks, including mind control and mind reading
On the website there is an CBS News video of the Active Denial System (ADS), a microwave laser weapon. Although the DoD wants us to believe this is a safe weapon (that is why they showed it to us), experts agree it is not! This video shows a big installation, but there are many kinds of laser weapons. Some are very big and mounted in trucks, ships, aircraft, or even in satellites. But there are also much smaller, portable versions, that can be very effective.
Of course military and secret services have equipment based on the most advanced technology available. Their equipment is not available to the public. But now advanced commercial devices are being shown on the internet giving an idea of how easy it must be for the attackers to cook, burn (torture) a person. One is a portable (hand-held) laser, the S3 Spyder III Arctic laser. Although it may appear not very sophisticated, imagine someone pointing this at your back when you are in a restaurant or at the movies. To look at people through wall take a look at the XAVER 400 Compact, Tactical Through-Wall Imaging System.
Many targets wonder how they can be attacked so easily when they move to a different location, e.g. a family member, friend, or go to a hotel. The attackers stuff their portable laser weapons and through-wall imaging devices into their suitcases, book rooms close to yours, and often will attack you from two different angles to confuse you. In case you prevent them to attack the body area the want to attack, e.g. by putting your back against an outside wall of the hotel, they call in military aircraft that will blast you with very high power microwave (HPM) bursts, cooking your inside. (this happened several times to me, last time on July 6, 2011, while staying in a hotel in Westkapelle, Netherlands, the aircraft arriving around 1 am about 15 minutes after they concluded they could not perform the attacks on my back).
Many people have a problem thinking that others can read their mind, their thoughts. Again, the advanced technology used by military and secret services is not available to the public, but today more and more commercial devices are becoming available. One company delivering a mind reading headset is Emotive, for USD 299,-. With this device you can control your games, your tv set, etc. with you mind! They also have an API (programming interface) to create your own mind reading application.
I cannot emphasize enough that not all but many attacks are from the sky. When driving your car they may burn your back (from the sky or from some equipment in your own car) when another car is driving behind you and make it go away when the car goes away. If they do this every time then you probably will think it has to do with the car behind you. When driving your car, walking outside, riding your bike, they may burn your head and make many people you look at scratch their head. Sometimes people are part of the sick network but many others may just have been beamed the same way you are, having no clue about what is going on (your attackers want you to attack other people, they don't care about anything because they are psychopaths, murderers. child abusers).
Another warning is for a much more confusing type of attack: electronic mind control. In this case your attackers will plant thoughts into the brain of people surrounding you. Of course these thoughts relate to your life in one way or the other. They may even plant your (!) thoughts into the heads of people surrounding you. If you do not know about this then you may start to think that these people can read your mind, which can be very depressing. I wrote several article about electronic mind control, if you are a target and do not know about this capabilities you may want to read this.
Links, portable laser weapon, portable through-wall vision, mind reading headset, voice-to-skull:
Hearing Voices
If you are hearing voices you may be a mental case but it is also possible that you are a target of (highly illegal) mind control activities by some sick bastards. In your country secret services including military are developing weapons that make you hear voices and covertly testing these weapons on random human beings or groups of people. Some terms used to describe this phenomenon:
- Voice-to-skull
- Microwave hearing
- Silent sound
Perhaps the most easy (and cheap) way to attack a person this way is by the Audio Spotlight. This device makes you hear words etc. spoken by a someone, but the persons around you do ot hear this. Check the links below for more information:
- Microwave auditory effect (Wikipedia)
- Hearing Microwaves: The Microwave Auditory Phenomenon by James C. Lin
- Microwave hearing by Mark Rich
- Sound from ultrasound (Wikipedia)
- Audio Spotlight (Holosonics company website)
- Hearing voices = voice to skull (Cliff Huylebroeck website)
- Youtube video on AudioSpotlight, Subvocal Speech and Microwave hearing (one of the many video on this subject)
- SWIMP3, underwater MP3 player without earplugs
Electronic harassment and electronic torture list - February 26, 2009 - Updated December 24, 2009
[Published: February 26, 2009. Updated: February 28, 2009, April 11, 2009, June 10, 2009, June 13, 2009, June 25, 2009, September 6, 2009, December 24, 2009]
Almost anybody can become a (temporary) target of these horrible electronic weapons. Please read what can be done so you are prepared. This is not science fiction but happening right now in our 'democratic' society.
Below is a list of all possible attacks by electronic weapons that I know of by experience. I know more attacks exists. Female targets write about sexual attacks, others mention continuous ringing in the ears, etc. I may add these later. I decided to keep this list personal, i.e. in this blog I write down only what has/is being done to me, not what is being done to others.
Electronic weapons
These attacks are done by the following kind of electronic weapons:
- Directed Energy Weapons (laser weapons), like ELF (very low frequency), ultrasonic, lasers, (high power) microwave weapons
- Through-wall vision
- (Sub-vocal) Mind-reading
- Microwave hearing/Silent Sound (letting you hear sounds/things in other ways then hearing by the ear)
For another introduction you may want to read:
or, read the summary of my previous blogs:
A list including all horrible details
On the internet already a lot of symptoms and attacks by these weapons can be found. Most of these lists do not detail these attacks and that is exactly what I am trying to do here. In my opinion it is not enough to read that such a weapon gives you a burning feeling, instead the horrible details must be exposed!
Description of a (continuous) high intensity microwave weapon attack:
This weapon makes your skin really burn like a very heavy sunburn and cooks your inside, you really feel being cooked alive, you are heated like meat in a microwave oven, with intensities that exceed those of a microwave oven. Gal is coming out of your throat and fluids inside your body evaporate making you instantly burp. In case of high intensity there is also a burning sensation on the other side of the body, where the beam, of approx. 10-30 cm diameter leaves the body. If they cook you long enough cooked body cells explode inside you, when aimed at your upper body, lung cells explode/ are destroyed and reducing lung capacity immediately noticed when walking stairs or running. The burning sensation and the cooked-inside feeling will go away after 5-30 minutes or 1-2 days depending on the duration and intensity, it may take a day or more to recover from high power microwave bursts with durations of 5-60 seconds (but can you recover from these amounts of irradiation?). A cup of milk is heated and starts evaporating after 5-10 seconds. The electronic weapons aimed at you can make you burp or fart within 1-3 seconds, hence the intensity of electromagnetic irradiation is not only used to torture a person but murder as well.
Covert and intended-to-notice (or noticed) electronic harassment/torture
Electronic harassment is called covert if the target does not know about these weapons and methods. If you do not know about these weapons you may think you have all the bad luck in the world, you will wonder what strange things are happening to you, to your body, and accept you do not control your life anymore.
If intended-to-notice (or noticed), electronic harassment is torture in its most horrible form. What would you do if your body is made to react every time to events occurring in your life, e.g. by making you burp or fart, your legs are cooked every night, your ankle is cooked during daytime when working behind your computer, your knee is beamed to cause maximum pain, etc.
Some examples
To delay you:
- They make you go the toilet to urinate when you want to leave your house
- They cook your legs before running
- They burn and cook your body high power to prevent you doing you work
Note that this delaying is often done together with gang stalking methods like cars blocking your road, phone calls when you are to leave your home, etc.
To make things worst:
- They make you sneeze extra times when you have a cold
- They cook your throat become sore when you have a cold
- They attack your eyes until red with blood
- The cook your legs after running
- They cook or burn where you have pain already
To torture you:
- They cook and burn your body everywhere
- They cook your family, your children, friends, …
Note that this torture is often done together with gang stalking methods like synchronizing saw machines, honking horns of cars, screaming birds (pigeons, crows), etc.
The maximum pain business, beyond imagination horror and cruelty without evidence
Special methods have been developed to make you think you have a heart problem, erection problem, toothache, etc. For the ones exposing these horrendous crimes they developed methods to inflict maximum pain, e.g. by cooking such a person alive with a high power microwave weapon, or burning the skin of the target or making the target burp or fart every few minutes to events occurring in the life of the target (including e.g. opening a website on a computer, saving a file, cars passing by the window, etc. ). Some authors refer to the development and use of these weapons as the pain business. I would like to make a correction, please call it the maximum pain business.
After accepting that there are really such sick and disgusting creatures actually developing and applying these methods and torture, you also have to accept that it is not about just pressing a button, but also about the way how this torture is applied. Zapping your eyes red to make you look bad, cooking biceps to prevent you from swimming, cooking your throat to prevent you from singing, inducing heart problems and toothaches to prevent you working or sports. More horror, these methods and procedures could not have been highly developed without being tested on humans, on real persons. And again more horror, these methods are often used with gang stalking (organized stalking) methods. Like they cook your ankle with insane intensities making your foot very painful, and when you go outside all kinds of people with leg problems are crossing your path, people limping, in a wheelchair, sometimes even someone without a leg. Or, they start sawing wood somewhere and when the saw enters the wood cook your body with high intensity microwave.
This torture is applied 24/7, not once every hour but more like once every minute/every 5 minutes. Horrible torture that can be called torturing a person to death.
Special case: the heart attack
Damaging your body can be done in several ways. One vital organ is the heart. They can attack the heart very effective with:
- Microwave weapons, cooking the heart area slowly
- High Power Microwave (HPM) weapons, cooking the heart area in a second
- Ultrasonic weapons, pressurizing the heart area
- Heart frequency manipulation weapons
These weapons can damage your heart in a split second, you may not survive such a attack, but can also be used to slowly damage your heart. Slowly cook your heart area so will get a strange feeling and in fact your heart is really damaged. Then there is also the frequency manipulation attack, your heart may feel pulsing, blobbing like crazy.
- Cook heart area from the front, often together with a cook beam from left behind. Slow damage, horrible feeling
- Flash your heart with very high power microwave. Instant damage.
- Pressurize your chest, even takes your breath away if applied with enough power
- Pulsate your body/heart area with low frequencies
These effects will give you a very realistic heart attack or heart problem feeling feeling. Your heart may start pounding very loud, may feel very painful, the heart area may feel strange, cooked. If applied with enough power, this really damages your heart and heart area. Your heart is cooked like meat in a microwave oven.
Can you recover from these attacks? In general they will not murder you or leave evidence, your heart may feel very painful for several days after they stop their attacks. It can take weeks until all pain in the area has disappeared. I am not sure about permanent damage caused by these attacks.
Can you die from such an attack? Yes, if the intensity of the beam is high enough your heart can be damaged or temporarily disturbed in such a way that you will die.
How can you recognize a ‘normal’ heart problem from a ‘induced’ heart problem? You yourself are the best judge of what you feel. If you believe something really is wrong with your heart then visit a doctor. If you are certain your heart is attacked then avoid visiting a doctor as this will confirm a heart problem in case you collapse or die, case closed.
If your heart is under attack you may receive strange emails like the one below:
Radiofrequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook - Chapter 2
Well I’m still alive at this moment, but I think they are trying to give me a heart attack. Anyone with a radio can use this method and cause damage to any organ specifically. The FCC has really fallen down on the job. Basically any mob can do this to you. And I do believe the FBI and CIA and NSA are mobs. They take out contracts and are evil and stupid.
The woman who now heads our safety department said we could not bring spectrum analyzers to work. I do not think anyone but me would have understood what that is. What this means is that we are not allowed to protect ourselves, as if these evil doughy people should be our judge jury and executioner.
No one is free if one is not free.
Impossible to protect yourself
The human body appears to be extremely vulnerable to electromagnetic irradiation of all kind of frequencies. The human body also is a electromagnetic transmitter and sensitive (radio) equipment can pick up and decode the signals that are generated e.g. when speaking, thinking. In contrast to a knife or a bullet, electromagnetic signals are not blocked by walls, compare your cell phone. Limited protection is possible using sheet metal, metal plates, water, vacuum, but if you really are a target the attackers increase intensities (if necessary to insane levels), change frequency, attack from different angles etc. Also remember that these weapons can hit a person without hitting the person sitting next to this person. They can be aimed and the diameter of the beam can be made small enough to hit only the target.
Anybody can be a target
Electronic weapons make it very easy to eliminate persons, to get persons (temporarily) out of the way, to murder persons, etc. all without evidence, and most of the time even the target does not know he is zapped, cooked, burned with electronic weapons. The ones owning and controlling this technology now can get everything they want in a very easy way. They can get their football player into the national team by temporarily cut out the competitor for the same position in the team. This could be done with other means as well but it is very easy with electronic weapons. Just cook a person’s ankle and foot during the night and the damage is done. To influence a tennis match you could cook a player by heating the body with microwaves (compare microwave oven). He will just feel overheated and sick and loose the game.
These are just two examples to demonstrate what can be done. You can imagine almost anybody can become a target. Some people because they are more visible then others, because they have something the sick network wants, because they know something the sick network does not want to be exposed, because they are too intelligent for the sick network, ust for personal reasons because may be they made a remark about someone, etc.
Electronic weapons can kill a person
Besides using electronic weapons to monitor, drive into suicide, cause temporary injuries, they can also be used to kill a person. Killing is possible by sending wrong signals to the heart making it pulse in abnormal ways, or by increasing intensity and cooking the heart area, damaging the heart slowly. Very high power laser weapons or HPM (= High Power Microwave) weapons can damage your heart in a second.
Although little is known at this time about the effects of long term irradiation, it is not difficult to imagine that this will cause all kinds of diseases as electromagnetic irradiation destroys your DNA (cell with damaged DNA are called cancer). Again all these horrible things can be done, and are done today, without evidence.
How do you know you are a target of electronic harassment?
It is often very difficult to distinghuish between normal body behaviour and induced body behaviour if there no signs of burning or cooking. E.g. would you know the difference between normal diareah and induced diareah? Yes, you are able to decide what is not normal by comparing your diareah with previous experiences. It may start and disappear very sudden, may cause other effects like water bubbles leaving your anus, etc. Also, the diareah may be linked to a certain event, like picking up your child, appearance in court, etc.
Always ask yourself what it is you are feeling, did you feel this before? Does it go away when you turn your body 180 degrees? Does it go away when you walk in the streets or drive your car? You are the best judge of what you are feeling.
Your car may be tagged
When you are a target you will experience harassment everywhere every time. If you have a car they will tag your car (these are words I learned from a ’so-called target’). This means they will equip your car with electronic weapons not only to monitor you but also to cook and/or burn your body while driving.
They may also harass the target covert and use the following beams:
- Sleep beam, to make the driver very sleepy
- Eye beam, slowly cooking they eyes, so tears come out and visibility reduces
Just to confirm, all this is done to cause the (mental or physical) death of the target.
Harassment from (neighbor) houses, cars, handbags, airplanes, satellites
Most of the electronic harassment comes from close neighbor houses. When you walk in the the streets you are probably attacked by electronic weapons (directed energy weapons) from houses (they may be remote controlled or controlled by operator at these locations. If there are no locations for their equipment, they use these weapons from their cars. You may also be hit from airplanes. This is not difficult to believe if you accept a reach several hundreds of meters. Some targets write about satellites being the source of their electronic harassment. In general I do not believe this is true.
Example of current state-of-technology:
You can be hit by very accurate equipment. E.g. when you are running on the streets or in the woods you may be ’shot’ with a very high power microwave weapon in your calf from an airplane. The intensity can be such that this causes instant injury. Your calf is cooked within a split second and your muscles almost instantly tear apart. Making running/walking almost impossible.
Electronic harassment can also be done from small devices carried in e.g. shopping bags in shops or on the street. You need only a small battery to give the target a single burst that makes him burp or fart. This is enough to depress the target: nowhere safe from this horrible harassment.
Satellites probably play a big role in exchanging information about a target, e.g. you can have a subvocal speech decoding PC in the house next to target, but it is more easy (and safe) to transfer the undecoded information to a central computer system, and return the decoded words. But it may be done on site, PC’s have enough power today to do this decoding themselves.
You may be attacked by persons (family, friends, co-workers) who are covertly attacked by electronic harassment
The aim of the attackers is to drive the target insane. To speed up things they aim their electronic weapons covertly at family, friends, co-workers, etc. to make them react in several ways to what the target is doing or saying.
Some (easy) methods used to covertly attack other persons:
- Scratch beam, to make a person scratch his head
- Sneeze beam, to make a person sneeze
- Cough beam, to make a person cough
- Urge to urinate beam, to make a person go to the toilet
- They beam persons around the target on the head so everywhere around the target people are scratching their heads
- They beam the target’s head very hard and then beam the head of a friend so that this friend will start scratching his head immediately very visible for the target to see
- When the target and partner are in the same, then every time the target opens a website on his PC (not visible for the partner), they beam the throat of the partner causing the partner to cough almost immediately
- When the target is beamed in the stomach during work, they make a co-worker sneeze at the same time
- When the target is beamed in the stomach, they beam her child in the stomach as well, making the child cry and saying it has stomach pain (this is confirmed by multiple victims)
Once again illegal and (beyond imagination) horrible crimes by our national secret services.
Elite and secret services control our politicians
It is not amazing that these weapons exist, I studied computer science myself, if you have enough money it is not that special. It is also not amazing that there are actually sick and disgusting creatures walking around free applying this kind of electronic harassment to cause the physical or mental death of a person.
What is amazing is that a lot of high ranked politicians and other influential persons are fully aware of the existence and use of these weapons but do not speak out. What does this say about these persons? I believe you can say that the idea we live in a democracy has disappeared completely.
Elite and secret services are trapped by their crimes in vicious circle of more violence against the people of the world
The ones facilitating, outsourcing and performing this cruel electronic harassment and torture is not just a group of people, these attacks are very well designed and applied by people trained to cause maximum pain but leave no evidence. The ones I am referring to are our secret services, including military. They are tightening their grip on society, not because they have to protect us against the terrorists in the world, but because they are getting more and more afraid what will happen when the truth about them is exposed. They are trapped in some sort of vicious circle. To maintain themselves they must commit more and more horrible crimes. And to avoid their crimes are exposed they have to perform new horrible crimes, etc. etc.
So here we have the elite, creating wars to maintain themselves, and their armies, the secret services both trapped in their own lies and deceit. And the horror for us, the people of the world is that we will be taken from (created) threat to (created) war because that is the only way out for the (criminal) elite and (criminal) secret services.
People cookers and secret services
I introduced the word people cookers in 2007 for the creatures facilitating, outsourcing, performing electronic harassment and electronic torture. Main reason is of course that people cooking comes closest to what they are doing. Most of the harassment and torture is done by microwave irration which causes heating of the skin and your inside just like a microwave oven cooks meat. There are no words to justify these illegal and horrendous crimes. The ones involved are disgusting creatures, an author called them ‘the failed human beings’ and that is just what they are. They were born human, choose the wrong path in life and degenerated into pieces of shit.
I believe people cooking and gang stalking (organized stalking) are the perfect example of how sick our national secret services have become. They now commit the perfect murder, in their language meaning murder without evidence. And they now steal, torture and murder just because it has become so easy to steal, torture and murder.
Electronic harassment and electronic torture list - December 24, 2009
Below is the list of all (most) effects I experienced from these horrible electronic weapons. Few times I may not correctly describe the source of the effects. It is sometimes difficult to point to microwave or ultrasound. Both can be very damaging. High Power Microwave cooks your body cells while high power ultrasound simply destroys your body cells. But in the end the result is the same, a damaged body.
Subvocal speech |
Special equipment is used to detect muscle contractions like the ones a person uses when speaking out loud. When spoken to itself these muscle movements can be detected by advanced equipment and translated into words and sentences. As most people talk to themselves when ‘thinking’ this resembles mind reading.
How it is applied
Why it is applied
Seeing through your eyes | Although some targets claim that they can see what you see. I have not (yet) experienced this. But they do everything to suggest that they can do this. E.g. on the highway you are bursted with the burp beam every time a favorite model car passes in the opposite direction. They are looking at you from some camera build inside your car or from another car. They are looking at your eyes to see what you are looking at. I experienced a few times I was bursted BEFORE I saw the favorite car. A lot of research in this area is going on, I will keep you updated. |
Voice-to-skull |
Special advanced equipment is used to beam voices, or in fact any sound, into your head.
How it is applied
Why it is applied
Top of your head beam |
The top of your head is very sensitive. They will burn the top with some laser or microwave weapon
How it is applied
After effects
Why it is applied
Should you worry
Scratch beam |
They just beam your head somewhere. The normal reaction is your will start scratching your head.
How it is applied
Why it is applied
Headache beam |
This beam gives you a headache. It is some kind of high intensity low frequency beam. The headache appears suddenly and also disapears suddenly
Feeling |
Sickness/Alcohol beam |
The feeling is that you feel a little bit dizzy, see thing a little foggy.
How it is applied
Cooking | They put the microwave beamer on your head and your head is heated. They may do this after you drink a glas of wine, but also after you turn on the central heating of your appartment. You will feel hot, sick, slow. |
Ear short burst | Your ear is bursted, the idea is to hit your eardrum. With your eardrum cooked/damaged you have a strange feeling. |
Ear continous beam |
Your ear is beamed for very long time just to present you pain, they want you to move.
Eye blur |
Your eye is bursted and you have instant blurred vision. Often your eye will start tearing
How it is applied
Why it is applied
Should you worry
Eye sting |
Your eye is bursted with some kind of laser beam
Why it is applied
Just below eye, tremble | They beam at they area below your eye and the flesh below it starts trembling. They can do this in shops and through wall |
Burn (beard) hair |
They burn away hair at certain locations, e.g. your moustache hair just below your nose holes to create the illusion of a leaking nose
How it is applied
Sneeze burst |
You are bursted and must sneeze. This is a tinglin sensation that can make you sneeze in an instant
How it is applied
Why it is applied
Runny nose |
You have a runny nose but do not have a cold. You may start thinking you have some kind of strange cold but you have not. Once you are out of the beam, the runny nose disappears.
How it is applied
Cough burst | Your throat is bursted with a high intensity burst and you start coughing instantly. This coughing does not look like normal coughing. You will have a sore throat immediately afterwards. |
Dry cough | Like something fluid/moisture sticks in your lungs, or sometimes your throat. When you breath you hear/feel a rasping sound. You must cough very hard to throw it out. |
Toothache |
Using a low frequency beam they induce a toothache, this really is a horrrible feeling. It is like a true toothache but now when you move out of the beam it disappears.
Why it is applied
Sore throat |
Your throat is sowly cooked and you will almost immediately notice less volume and after some time pain while speaking
How it is applied
Why it is applied
Blackout beam | This is very high intensity burst on your head. There is no pain but it feels like the result having been hit on the head very hard. You feel a bit dizzy and your ears are ringing |
On top of shoulder |
A very painfull beam on the top of your shoulder
Why it is applied
Cook chest/lungs |
I call this beam: through-body-beam. You are really cooked by this beam. If applied with enough intensity you will feel a burning sensation on the back (where it enters), then feel the beam cook your insde, then you start burping, then you feel a burning sensation on the other part of your body where the beam leaves your body
How it is applied
Cooking |
They put the microwave beamer on your body for a long time and you have the feeling you are cooked alive which in effect is a very accurate description of what is being done
Burp beam |
This is a low power sophisticated version of the chest/lungs cook beam. It is difficult to locate the source direction.
How it is applied
Why it is applied
Heart attack incl. extra beam from left behind |
This is a low frequency high power beam aimed at your heart, mostly from a position somewhere in front of you. To maximze the effect they simultaneously beam you from the left behind position with a microwave cook beam.
How it is applied
After effects
Should you worry
Heart attack high power burst |
This is a very high power burst of very short duration, 1 second or less, that will give you immediately an extremely painful heart (area). This beam is really amazing: I believe it can kill you in an instant
How it is applied
After effects
Should you worry
Heart attack blobbing feeling, heart pulsing strangely, randomly |
This may be done seperate from other heart attacks. Your heart may start feel pulsing funny, the feeling is very massive, it also feels like bubling, like the heart lost control of normal operation and just pulses somewhat
How it is applied
Pressure beam | They put a pressure beam on your chest this will take your breath away and you may think your are having a heart problem. This can have various intensities |
Back burning |
They burn the skin of your back. This can be low intensity or high intensity. The feeling is you have a sun burn, in case of high intensities it will also color your back a little red.
How it is applied
Why it is applied
Electric shower | This is an overwhelming effect. This is like a shower but not with water but with electronic pulses. |
Heating | The temperature of your body is increased giving you the feeling you have a flu or some kind of illness. |
Spleen beam |
Beaming in your side gives you the idea you have spleen pain
How it is applied
Biceps | They cook your biceps to reduce their power , make them feel painful when you load them during e.g. swimming. This may be done to prevent you from doing your sports. |
muscle weakening in hand | They beam your hands. The result is that you can not hold a pen between thumb and finger like you used to, also you can not put you fingers against each other (like making a cup with your hand). They may do this to prevent you from working or doing your sports e.g. swimming. |
Stomach cooking |
They put a beam on your stomach and the stomach begins to bubble like something is cooking inside.
How it is applied
Should you worry
Kidney damage | With some kind of ultrasound beam they attack your kidneys. The feeling is like you have been kicked over and over in your sides. This is like the feeling that is described by patients that have their kidney stones crushed by ultrasound. |
Intestines cooking, urge to defecate | They cook your intestines and you feel you have to fart but cannot. |
Fart beam | They cook your intestines and it will start bubbling. After some time you will have to fart |
blind gut attack |
they cook the area around your tail bone. After a short period, depending on the intensity this may take 60 seconds or more, you will feel horrible cramps.
After effects
How to detect
Diarreah |
They cook your intestines and you have a very strong feeling to go to the toilet. By continously beaming you have very heavy diarreah
Why it is applied
Erection termination | This beam makes your erection go away, if you are a man of course. This can be done in 20-30 seconds. Depending on the direction of the beam your intestines may start bubbling though not very loud |
Urge to urinate | They beam your lower body so you will feel the urge to urinate. It is difficult to ignore and there will come a moment you will have to do this when the beam continues. |
Block burst | The feeling is that your movement is blocked. You must take care not to fall or make a strange move |
Short beams | This will cause pain to your knee |
High intensity beaming |
The put the beamer on your knee and make sure it stays there for hours. The location may vary ut just above the knee cap can cause a lot of pain. This will result in very much pain and a very sensitive knee.
How it is applied
Calf cooking |
They apply low intensity, low power beam to your legs, e.g. When you are in bed. Your muscles, legs feel stif the next morning. They may start cooking the calfs after you finished running, and after some time before you want to go running to prevent you from running
How it is applied
Why it is applied
Calf bursting |
This beam is in fact a very high power burst and can cook your calf from hundreds of meters in a split second. If you are running your cooked muscles will tear apart and you have instant injury. See also Heart attack high power burst. You may notice the following feeling: a needle going in and out of your calf within a second
Why it is applied
Shin cooking |
They cook the skin of your shin with very high intensities. When you are running, the shin injury is a well-known. They may start cooking the skin of of your shin after you finished running, and after some time (days) before you want to go running to prevent you from running
Why it is applied
Heel muscle |
The cook your heel muscle. This muscle does not contain much nerves so it is difficult to detect before the damage has been done. Then you will think back and remember there was something wrong the previous day or days.
Why it is applied
Ankle |
They cook your ankles, just to cause you pain. You feel the beam and it is difficult to keep your leg in the same position because of the pain. This is often a applied for a long period of time, several hours.
After effects
Foot |
They beam very hard in the center of your foot
Foot insane |
They burst the center of your foot with max power very short burst beam, only once while walking even in a crowded place. This causes insane pain and you may fall immediately, because the foot is not functioning anymore.
Toes |
They pick a single toe and beam it for several days in a row
Toes insane |
They burst your toes with with max power very short burst beam, and do this several times. This causes insane pain.
How it is applied
Foot block | Ultrasonic beam to block the movement of a foot. If you are not prepared for this block you may fall. |
Shaking | Your whole body starts shaking like being in a aircraft in bad weather. The frequency is around 5 Hz. The intensity may amaze you. |
Scratching |
They apply a scratch beam to any part of your body. This beam is very hard to resist. Before you know it you may start scratching yourself like crazy
LEG - LEG - LEG | |
Tremble apart | Some high power acoustic beamer is aimed at your leg and after some time your leg feels non-cooperative, not part of your body anymore |
Sleepy feeling |
They beam you with a frequency that makes you really feel sleepy. You will start yawning and cannot keep your eyes open. This efect starts very suddenly and often ends very abrupt.
How it is applied
Nausea | Not a very pleasant feeling but not veru disturbing or damaging |
See the world turning | You feel dizzy and see the world turing like when you are very very tired. This effect is not really very real. The moment you are out-of-the-beam you are not turning anymore. Still it is amazing that this can be done. |
fatigue attacks | |
Force awake | With this well-known beam they will keep you awake, prevent you from sleeping. This way they wear you out, may be the next day you have an important meeting or must finish important work. |
Sweating, nauseous, vomit feeling |
You start sweating suddenly, you feel dizzy, you think you may have to vomit. When applied with enough intensity you will start to vomit, you will need at least 30 minutes to recover a little bit from this attack, but it will take hours before your body is acting a bit like before the attack.
How it is applied
Induce dreams |
You have strange dreams about things but the dreams are not like dreams you had before. The dreams may refer to very recent events in your life, like a person you met, a movie yu saw, it is another form of reacting to events in your life
How it is applied
- Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(17) - Gang stalkers and people cookers are murderers, the crimes they commit belong to the worst crimes in history
- Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(16) - A new category murderers: people cookers - cooking people like a microwave oven cooks meat
- New Wordl War / The Hidden Evil (by Mark Rich)
- (in Dutch: )
- Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(15) - start independent investigations so they can be brought to justice and jailed
- The normal people at war with the mentally ill (the murderers and psychopaths)
- Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(13) - normal people are murdered to keep the system running (the sick system needs blood to survive and expand)
- Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(9) - use of electronic weapons (including mind invasive technology) to suggest psychiatric problems, schizophrenia
- Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons
- Electronic Torture
- Electronische Wapens (in Dutch)
To all politicians of the world
The only way to save the world is to stop your national secret services. Breaking laws and violating human rights in horrible ways has become a way of life. They are responsible for most problems in your neighborhood, in your city, in your country, in the world. Make them responsible for what they are doing. Let them account for in detail, force them to open up their organizations for thorough investigations. Stop their funding if they do not co-operate. Replace directors and staff immediately by normal people for starters.